Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May 13, 2008

You know you’ve lived in Africa for 8 months when…
v It’s a miracle if a package arrives, unopened and in less than 2 months
v The sight of a red and white Target bag from the states sparks a bit of nostalgia
v People can’t wrap their heads around the idea of a so-called “litter box” for the cat, it's totally ludicrous to your neighbors
v Normal topic of conversations with American friends consists of debating the latest and greatest food poisoning story
v Before putting on clothing, you give it a good shake…just in case of cockroaches, lizards, etc.
v All the DVDs in your house have been watched at least 3 times…along with all special features and commentaries
v Doing laundry for two hours becomes your upper body workout
v Taxi drivers literally fight over who is going to take you to the village
v Powdered milk is the beginning of your daily breakfast routine
v Instead of stepping on a scale, Titus the tailor keeps you in check on how much weight you have gained or lost since your last fitting
v The toothpaste used to brush your teeth comes from France and Heinz Ketchup is sent down from Egypt
v The sight of dead monkeys for sale (a.k.a “bushmeat”) sadly isn’t shocking any longer
v Traveling nuns become your most reliable form of the postal service
v You feel pretty awesome when you eat an unpeeled carrot, or unwashed fruit for that matter and don’t get sick

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