Email: wrightk21@gmail.com
Snail mail:
Katherine A. Wright
Peace Corps Trainee
Corps de la Paix
B.P. 215
Yaoundé, Cameroon
Mailing tips:
Keep in mind that developing countires like Cameroon don't have mailing systems we're all accustomed to. Here are some tips to help letters/packages along:
- Make sure to write "Airmail" and "Par Avion" on the envelopes
- Writing "Sister" or "Daughter" in front of the name will add importance to the parcel and may move it along quicker...or maybe someone will think I'm a nun
- Number each item that is sent, if the first letter I receive is #3 we'll know I missed the first 2
- Stay away from "surface mail", this can take a long. long. time!
- Thank you!! Taking the time to mail something to me is pretty awesome. So thank you!
When are you leaving? Tuesday September 18th for Philadelphia, I'll meet up with about 40 other volunteers headed to Cameroon for training/visits to the doctor where we'll get suped up on all sort of vaccines. We'll fly from Philly to Paris and connect to Cameroon on the 21st. For the first 3 months I'll live with a host family and endure training for my future job.
Why are you going? I can't think of a better time in my life to take off and volunteer for a cause I'm passionate about. The travel bug has got me and I've always wanted to speak French.
What will you be doing Working as a public health coordinator is a dream job...I'm stoaked! Main projects: HIV/AIDS education, malaria prevention, water/sanitation, and mother/baby nutrition. On the side: I'm bringing along some discs to toss around...hopefully start an ultimate group.
How long will you be gone? Hopefully for about 2 years, if all goes well. This would put me back in the states around Decemeber 09' or January 10'. I may come back to Oregon next summer for my brothers wedding...and the Olympic Trials in Eugene (fingers crossed)
What will you miss the most? ULTIMATE, cafe yumm, having family 1 hour either north or south on I-5, dream pizza, moms baking/tea time, being able to call shaddy whenever I feel like it, Sunday mornings with the times, the public library, puka my volvo, red 10 speeds
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